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Personal Protection
in Cheyenne Campus Life Enrichment
Basic Pistol Class - LIFE 1523
with Pat Lewis

This course is designed to assist students in the safety and basic use of handguns. Students will be trained in the selection, care, handling and storage of firearms. Safety, defensive procedures and the legal aspects of the use of handguns in self-defense in the state of Wyoming will also be presented. Double-action, center fire handguns are provided. Cost includes handgun use, targets and handout materials. Students will be required to provide their own ammunition (estimated cost is $100). Information on what ammunition to purchase will be discussed at the first class. Attendance is mandatory on all class days. Students missing class days will be unable to continue with the course and will not receive a refund due to lack of attendance or outside the published course refund policy. Cosponsored by LCCC and the Sheriff's Department, the class will be held at the Laramie County Sheriff's Department, 1910 Pioneer Ave. No firearms shall be brought to the course. In order to participate in this course, class participants must pass a criminal background check run by the Sheriff's Department prior to the start of the course. Students must be a law-abiding resident of the United States, 21 years of age or older and agree to adhere to the LCCC student code of conduct while attending class.
Personal Protection in the Home - LIFE 1039
with Pat Lewis

The goal of this course is to develop the students' basic knowledge, skills and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a handgun for protection of self and family. The course will also provide information on the law-abiding citizen's right to self-defense. Students must provide their own .38 caliber or larger (non-magnum) center-fire handguns and 200 rounds of ammunition. Ammunition must be factory-loaded, full metal jacket design (no reloads). Continued participation in this class will require a student to demonstrate safe handling skills and complete a shooting proficiency evaluation with his/her handgun during the first-class session. Students must present proof of participation (a signed certificate of completion) in either the LCCC/LCSD Basic Pistol Course or the NRA Basic Pistol Course on the first night of class. Any firearms brought to the course will be unloaded prior to entering the LCSD Building. Ammunition and firearms must be carried in separate containers. In order to participate in this course, participants must pass a criminal background check run by the Sheriff's Department. Students must be law-abiding residents of the United States, 21 years of age or older and agree to adhere to the LCCC student code of conduct while attending class.